9 Hackathon Venues in London

23 February 2021Updated 14 October 2024
23 February 2021Updated 14 October 2024
9 Hackathon Venues in London

Hollywood says a hacker is someone who hacks into the mainframe. With a few bashes at a keyboard, they say something cringey like, “I’m in!”. This is not what a hackathon is. So if you’re here to read about someone hacking into an FBI database or an international bank, we can only apologise.

Hacking is just another word for coding. The first hackathon took place in 1999. Since then, it’s become a huge part of the software engineering and event industry. In the future, you’re going to see a lot more data science, and a lot more events focused on increasing the diversity in the field. Check out groups like She Code that are fighting that good fight.

It can seem like an intimidating world to the uninitiated, but hackathons are welcoming and exciting events to take part in.

So, what makes a good hackathon? And which are the best hackathon venues in London? Read on!

Tips for Choosing Hackathon Venues in London

Hackathon Infographic
Hackathon Infographic via shutterstock

Choosing the right hackathon venue in London is an important step. It should feel like a “techy kind of place”. So, think modern chic, not historical elegance. You could opt for an old building with an exciting remodelling for a unique twist.

Style aside, it is essential to consider the venue’s technical specifications. Looking for a room with lots of sockets and power outlets is, of course, crucial. You’ll also need excellent WiFi.

Ideally, it’s good to have one big main room for the feature hack event. We also recommend selecting a hackathon venue with a presentation room, workshop room, and for events longer than 12 hours, a nap room.

We’ve put together a list of some of the best venues for a hackathon in London. They can all be booked through us and smoothly at that. It’s what we do, after all.

1) Industrial Room with a Minimalistic Feel

Industrial Room with a Minimalistic Feel
Industrial Room with a Minimalistic Feel via Eventflare

This space is a no-nonsense, get down to work venue. Its minimalist motif doesn’t get in your way. It lets you crack on with some hacking.

The private courtyard is a great feature and could be a cool breakout room.

The venue is fully equipped with top-notch AV equipment, so there won’t be much for you to worry about on the set-up end of things.

The standing capacity is 200 and 100 seated. So it’s not too big, not too small. It’s just right, like that one fairytale.

2) Elegant White Studio with Tons of Natural Light 

Elegant White Studio with Tons of Natural Light via Eventflare

This classy white studio is a lesson in how to cultivate natural light. It’s extremely cool and would be perfect for a start-up ready to make a name for itself with a killer hackathon.

It’s a former factory, not that you could tell. It looks more like an artist’s dream studio.

It has a capacity of 100 standing and 80 seated. So you’ve got the space for a small to medium-sized event.

It’s located right by the London Docks, a lovely area for a stroll when your fingers and eyes need a rest.

3) Chic and Bright Space for Events 

Chic and Bright Space for Events via Eventflare

This chic and bright space can muster a whole lot of colour with minimal effort.

It’s a balanced combination of industrial and contemporary design. And it’s perfectly located between the city and tech district.

It’s got some tremendous technical amenities, as well as cosy breakout rooms. There is a kitchen with some great catering options as well!

If you’re a company looking to grow with a sunny disposition and modern outlook, this has to be a contender venue for your next hackathon in London!

4) Striking Studio for Mid and Small Scale Productions 

Striking Studio for mid and Small Scale Productions
Striking Studio for mid and Small Scale Productions via Eventflare

This striking studio is nestled in the docklands of London’s most quintessential boroughs, Tower Hamlets.

Its full blackout room is incredibly atmospheric, which will set the tone for a theatrical hackathon event. The polished floors and industrial charm will make for a mysterious and unique hackathon in London.

It’s versatile too, being good for small, medium and large events, with a maximum capacity of 205 participants.

5) Retro Hackathon Venue in London with Checker Board Floor

Retro Venue with Checkerboard Floor via Eventflare

Just look at that floor! The famous saying goes, if one is tired of London, one is tired of life. Well, we say if you get tired of this floor, you might be tired of life.

But this hackathon venue in London is more than lovely flooring. It has top of the line furniture, technical equipment, and some fabulous catering options.

This open, lively floor plan has a max capacity of 200. The natural light is a pretty awesome bonus as well!

6) Beautiful and High Capacity Space in London 

Beautiful and High Capacity Space where to host a hackathon in London
Beautiful and High Capacity Space in London via Eventflare

This venue is a heavyweight folks, with a maximum capacity of 1,120 people! This could really be the main event, pay per view hackathon.

It has the trappings of a WWE, UFC main event show as well. The venue has a comprehensive audio system, bespoke lighting system with moving heads, partial roof blackout, rigging, natural daylight and environmental control.

7) Quirky Little Space Age Bunker 

Quirky Little Space Age Bunker via Eventflare

The space-age was all about bounding into the future. Doing it not because we had to, but because we could.

Use that energy, and this delightful backdrop can do the same for your hackathon in London. Show the world what it means to strive for something better.

It’s quirky, and it’s small. The very best of 60’s design come together for something exclusive.

Perhaps this could be a great venue to put on a hacking workshop for a company that appreciates style?

8) Ultimate Iconic Theatre Backdrop for Any Event 

Ultimate Iconic Theatre Backdrop where to host a hackathon
Ultimate Iconic Theatre Backdrop for any Event via Eventflare

Iconoclasm is a word that means the destruction of icons and other images or monuments.

What better way to plant your flag in the ground by hosting a hackathon – the most modern of events – in this iconic theatre?

What makes it funnier is that the theatre sports a weathered look. The obvious choice is to renovate, polish and refine a venue to perfection. But the choice to let its rustic charm loose is a bold one that really works!

This atmospheric venue invites a whopping 1,376 participants for a standing event and 300 to 916 for a seated event.

9) Modern Designed Rooftop with a Garden Lined Terrace 

Modern Designed Rooftop with a Garden Lined Terrace
Modern Designed Rooftop with a Garden Lined Terrace via Eventflare

For our last venue, we’ve got a wild card for you. This is your chance to buck the trend. Hackathons traditionally ooze low-key extravagance. Surprise the community and say, actually, let’s go all out.

We dare you to find a better rooftop garden and terrace. The bar and the decor are immaculate, and it’s in the heart of East London too, one of the most vibrant and creative areas in the world.

The capacity is a humble 100 for standing and 50 for seated, so anyone lucky enough to get an invite is sure to feel quite special.

Wrapping Up 

It’s interesting how the tone of these events can be dictated by the venue you choose. We believe that this is especially important for hackathon venues in London.

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