Inclusive Event Planning: Tips for Creating Welcoming Environments and Diverse Programming

by Tejaswini , 19 May 2023Updated 17 October 2024
by Tejaswini ,  19 May 2023Updated 17 October 2024
Inclusive Event Planning: Tips for Creating Welcoming Environments and Diverse Programming

Inclusive events are becoming increasingly important as we continue to work towards a more equitable and diverse society.

A study by Eventbrite found that 87% of event attendees believe that diversity and inclusion are important factors when choosing events to attend, while 72% of event organisers reported that diversity and inclusion are important for the success of their events.

However, despite these statistics, many events still struggle with creating truly inclusive environments.

In this article, we'll provide tips and best practices for creating inclusive events. We'll cover everything from understanding the needs of different attendees to incorporating diversity into your event programming. By implementing these strategies, you can help ensure that your event is accessible and welcoming to attendees of all backgrounds and abilities.

Inclusive Events viaBluebeyondplanning.jpg
Inclusive Events via Bluebeyondplanning

1. Understanding the Needs of Attendees

A. Accommodating Attendees with Disabilities

One key aspect of creating inclusive events is accommodating attendees with disabilities. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 15% of the world's population lives with a disability. As such, it's important to make sure that your event is accessible and accommodating for attendees with disabilities.

To accommodate attendees with disabilities, consider the following tips:

  • Make sure that the event venue is accessible: This means ensuring that the venue has ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms. If the event is outdoors, make sure that the ground is level and free of obstacles.
  • Provide assistive technology: If the event includes presentations or speakers, make sure to provide assistive technology such as sign language interpretation or closed captioning.
  • Offer alternative formats for event materials: Consider providing event materials such as brochures or handouts in alternative formats such as Braille or large print.
  • Train event staff on disability awareness: Make sure that event staff are trained on how to interact with attendees with disabilities and how to provide accommodations.

B. Addressing the Needs of Attendees from Different Cultural Backgrounds

Another important aspect of creating inclusive events is addressing the needs of attendees from different cultural backgrounds. According to a survey by Eventbrite, 74% of attendees say that they would be more likely to attend an event that celebrates diversity and cultural differences.

To address the needs of attendees from different cultural backgrounds, consider the following tips:

  • Choose a diverse venue: Make sure that the event venue is welcoming and inclusive of attendees from all backgrounds. Consider factors such as location and accessibility.
  • Provide diverse food options: Make sure that the event menu includes a variety of food options that cater to different dietary needs and cultural preferences.
  • Include diverse entertainment: If your event includes entertainment or performances, make sure to feature diverse performers who represent a variety of styles and backgrounds.
  • Create opportunities for cultural exchange: Consider creating opportunities for attendees to learn about and share their own cultural traditions and experiences.

C. Avoiding Discrimination and Addressing Complaints

It's important to ensure that all attendees feel safe and respected at your event. This means taking steps to avoid discrimination and address any complaints that arise.

To avoid discrimination and address complaints, consider the following tips:

  • Provide a code of conduct: Make sure that all attendees are aware of the expectations for behaviour at the event. This can include a code of conduct that outlines expectations for respectful and inclusive behaviour.
  • Train event staff on discrimination and harassment: Make sure that event staff are trained on how to recognise and respond to instances of discrimination and harassment.
  • Have a clear process for addressing complaints: Make sure that attendees know how to report any instances of discrimination or harassment, and that there is a clear process for addressing and resolving complaints.

N.B. A good place to start would be to try out these team-building activities to promote diversity and inclusion.

2. Creating a Welcoming Environment

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Inclusive Event Planning via Product School on Unsplash

Creating a welcoming environment is essential for making your event inclusive and accessible for all attendees. Here’s how you can help create a positive and welcoming atmosphere:

A. Using Inclusive Language and Imagery

Using inclusive language and imagery can help create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all attendees. This means using language and imagery that is respectful of all cultures, genders, abilities, and identities.

  • According to a survey by Cvent, 71% of event planners believe that using diverse imagery and language is important for creating inclusive events.

For example, avoid using gendered language such as "ladies and gentlemen" and instead use gender-neutral language such as "folks" or "everyone." Additionally, consider using diverse imagery and visual representation in your event materials and marketing.

B. Encouraging Networking and Community Building

Encouraging networking and community building is another key aspect of creating a welcoming environment. You can use a custom QR code to provide attendees with easy access to event information, networking resources, personalised content, and connections with other attendees. By providing opportunities for attendees to connect and engage with each other, you can help foster a sense of community and belonging. Consider incorporating activities such as group discussions, roundtables, or icebreakers to help attendees connect with each other.

  • According to a survey by Eventbrite, 78% of attendees say that networking is a key reason for attending events.

C. Providing a Code of Conduct for Respectful Behavior

Providing a code of conduct for respectful behaviour can help set the tone for a positive and inclusive event. A code of conduct outlines expectations for respectful and inclusive behaviour and can help prevent instances of discrimination or harassment. Make sure that the code of conduct is visible and accessible to all attendees, and that event staff are trained on how to enforce it.

  • According to a survey by EventMB, 94% of event planners believe that a code of conduct is important for creating safe and inclusive events.

By using inclusive language and imagery, encouraging networking and community building, and providing a code of conduct for respectful behaviour, you can help create a welcoming environment that is inclusive and accessible for all attendees.

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3. Incorporating Diversity into Programming

Incorporating diversity into programming is essential for creating an inclusive event that represents and celebrates diverse perspectives. This means choosing diverse speakers and performers, including diverse vendors and exhibitors, and ensuring diverse event staffing and recruitment. By leveraging the power of dedicated servers, event organizers can host diverse programming options simultaneously, streamlined database management with an intuitive graphical interface for dbeaver alternatives, accommodating different interests and preferences, and creating an inclusive environment that caters to a wide range of attendees.

A. Choosing Diverse Speakers and Performers

Choosing diverse speakers and performers is an important aspect of creating an inclusive event. Consider the diversity of your attendees and aim to provide representation from different backgrounds and identities. This can include diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, and more.

  • According to a survey by EventMB, 81% of event planners believe that diverse speakers and performers are important for creating inclusive events.

B. Including Diverse Vendors and Exhibitors

Including diverse vendors and exhibitors is another way to incorporate diversity into your event. Consider working with vendors and exhibitors from diverse backgrounds and identities. This can include diversity in race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, and more. By including diverse vendors and exhibitors, you can provide a wider range of perspectives and offerings to attendees.

  • According to a survey by Event Manager Blog, 47% of event planners believe that working with diverse vendors is important for creating inclusive events.

C. Ensuring Diverse Event Staffing and Recruitment

Ensuring diverse event staffing and recruitment is also crucial for creating an inclusive event. Consider the diversity of your event staff and aim to provide representation from different backgrounds and identities. This can include diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, and more. Additionally, ensure that your recruitment process is inclusive and reaches a diverse pool of candidates.

  • According to a survey by Cvent, 64% of event planners believe that diverse event staffing is important for creating inclusive events.

By choosing diverse speakers and performers, including diverse vendors and exhibitors, and ensuring diverse event staffing and recruitment, you can help create an event that represents and celebrates diverse perspectives.

Diversity & Inclusion via Pixels

Wrapping up

In conclusion, creating an inclusive event that celebrates diversity and inclusion requires intentional planning and consideration of the needs and perspectives of all attendees.

Ultimately, an inclusive event celebrates diversity and creates a sense of belonging for all attendees. By prioritising diversity and inclusion in event planning, we can create events that are not only memorable but also contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.

And, remember, you can plan and book your entire event in one place with Eventflare, so don’t go anywhere, you’re in the right place already!

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