About the space
Looking for an unforgettable night for you and your team? You cannot miss the trendiest venue in Camden. Surrounded by cool and lively vibes, this location offers a wonderful atmosphere to throw events. With amazing and instagramable interior design, this space boasts eclectic retro furniture and naturally elegant period features. What's more, the venue also features a long copper bar, extravagant local art a dance floor and DJ booth. The location is perfect for large reception events, private dinners or product launches. Moreover, this space comes equipped with AV material including a projector and music system as well as a whiteboard, flipcharts and air-conditioning. Capacity wise, this venue is able to host up to 600 for cocktails and 120 for private dining. This space also has access to a private terrace which is available all year round. This is the perfect outdoor space to enjoy a drink while having the urban and industrial Camden market as a backdrop. Interested? Send us a request!
- Standing600
- Dining120
Main Features
Common Questions
I also need help organising other parts of my event. Can Eventflare help me out?
Absolutely, we have a go-to list of trusted caterers, furniture rental companies,entertainment companies... - you name it, we've got it! So ask away.
How fast will I receive a quote?
Our local experts get in touch with you within the minutes after your initial request to give you a first idea about the price of your event. To determine an exact quote, the clearer and more precise the information you share with us, the fastest the quote will come..
Why would I use Eventflare?
Eventflare allows you to have all different services in order to make your event successful centralised through one contact. Through our many partners and knowledge of the different markets we operate on, we will direct you towards the suitable partners and coordinate between each one of them. Our platform allows you to organize all your events through a single supplier and save precious time.
How does Eventflare ensure the quality of its partners?
Eventflare does some in-depth screening of each space they feature through their platform in order to provide you with professional and smooth services.
What are the cancellation and refund policy?
- Cancellation 90 days or more before the event: 100% refund
- Cancellation 89 and 30 days: 50% refund
- Cancellation between 29 and 14 days: 25% refund
- Less than 13 days to the event: no refund will be applicable