5 Marketing Best Practices for Niche Businesses

06 May 2022
06 May 2022Updated 12 September 2024
5 Marketing Best Practices for Niche Businesses

Your business is unique! But that uniqueness is squandered if you don’t show it to your customers and potential customers. Instead of using a one-size-fits-all strategy, your business deserves a marketing plan tailored to your niche offerings.

However, this doesn’t mean that anything goes. As much as it may seem like a vast unknown, niche business marketing isn’t the Wild West.

For best results—and to keep yourself sane and your customers happy—we’ve developed a short guide of the most essential best practices to follow in your marketing strategy. Whether your business is new to the block or a community staple, these best practices are for you.

1. Increase Interactions

Customers want to be a part of your business’ story! And why shouldn’t they be? For most small businesses, your customers not only keep you afloat, but they’re also the reason you continue to do what you do.

Adding interactive elements to your marketing strategy is an easy way to involve your customers and bring them into the conversation. Moreover, to reach as many customers as possible, you can do this both in-person and virtually. So don't believe one of the widespread customer satisfaction myths that suggest passive marketing methods are sufficient and embrace interactive approaches to boost engagement.


For in-person interaction, hold events, such as concerts, workshops, conferences, and talks from industry experts that bring in customers who may be unaware of your niche business but are interested in the event itself. Consider hiring a fractional CMO to oversee and strategize these efforts to ensure maximum impact and efficiency. You can also organize press releases to generate buzz and media coverage for your events. If you are a crypto startup, partner with a crypto PR agency to ensure effective promotion and media exposure for your crypto-related events.

Additionally, these events can also heighten your brand’s trustworthiness and create a sense of community among your audience. When planning an event, consider your:

  • Goals for the outcome of the event
  • Budget for running and marketing your event
  • Partnerships you can leverage to market your event
  • Venue where you can hold the event
  • Marketing to raise awareness for and attendance at the event itself

After you have your audience’s complete attention, don’t let your event go to waste. Once you’ve captured attendees’ interest, introduce them to your business and show why they simply can’t live without your product or service.



For your customers who can’t make in-person events, you can hold virtual and hybrid ones and develop engaging, responsive social media profiles. Marketing via social media is only as effective as your ability to generate conversation with your followers. Ask thought-provoking questions, respond to comments and direct messages, and develop a brand personality that people actually want to talk to and engage with.

Especially when your customers may live anywhere in the world and can’t attend in-person events, offering virtual ways to interact with your business just makes sense. That brings us to our second best practice for marketing your niche business: ensuring your advertising efforts are accessible to all! Here are some small business advertising ideas.

2. Make Your Marketing Accessible

Why is accessibility important? Not everyone will feel comfortable with or have access to a particular marketing channel. As we mentioned above, a large part of making your marketing accessible is offering both in-person and virtual engagement opportunities.

But even with those customers who do come to events, it will often take numerous touches across channels before they’re ready to make a purchase. There are an incredible number of channels through which you can reach your customers, including:

  • Phone
  • Mail
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Google ads
  • Programmatic ads

You should also follow web accessibility and SEO optimisation guidelines for your digital marketing. By using best practices such as adding alt text to all images, targeting applicable keywords, and optimising the design for smartphone and tablet users, you increase the likelihood of online searchers finding your website and using it to make a purchase.

Moreover, if you're looking to enhance your online presence further, consider leveraging a blogger outreach service to connect with influential voices in your industry and amplify your brand message. Through an advanced blogger outreach strategy, collaborations, and content partnerships, you can tap into new audiences and build meaningful relationships with key influencers, ultimately boosting your brand's visibility and reputation in the digital landscape.

In addition to making your marketing accessible, you also need to make sure that your sales team is equipped to close deals. Digital marketing agencies can play a crucial role in implementing these practices and ensuring a comprehensive approach to reaching and engaging your target audience across various channels, including RCS business messaging.This is where sales enablement comes in. Sales enablement is the process of providing sales teams with the tools, resources, and training they need to be successful. This includes things like:

  • Sales collateral: This could include anything from product brochures to case studies to white papers.
  • Training: Sales teams need to be trained on your products, your services, and your target market.
  • Tools: Sales teams require pipeline management software to track leads, manage their pipeline, and close more deals.

By investing in sales enablement, you can give your sales team the edge they need to close more deals and grow your business.

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3. Use Powerful Software

No matter your business, your software solutions can make or break your marketing management strategy. For a streamlined business, you’ll likely use strategic planning software for everything from your transactions to storing your customer data to hosting events. Gingr highlights four main benefits of using industry-specific software:

  • Save time. Industry-specific software (i.e., dog daycares and groomers in Gingr’s case) are designed for convenience and ease of use, giving you more time to spend on clients and staff.
  • Go paperless. Transferring your data and management systems online will help you reduce your carbon footprint and increase your data management and analytics capabilities. For example, SaaS companies can use embedded analytics tools for this purpose.
  • Attract customers. Not only can the right billing software offer an organised and predictable system for billing and scheduling dealing—which customers love!—but it can also help you identify new opportunities and potential customers.
  • Track the process. A marketing strategy can’t be effective enough if you don’t track your results and make necessary amendments. Use analytics and tracking softwareto improve the ROI.
  • Manage staff. Industry-specific payroll software can also manage staff schedules and communications in one dashboard.

For example, a combination dog groomer and boarding facility that targets travelling professionals would want to use software made specifically for dog groomers and boarders—not a generic marketing tool for small businesses and not one designed for some other industry.


4. Address the Right Audience

You can leverage your software solutions to direct your marketing to the right audience at the right time via the right channels.

Utilize a customer data platform (CDP) to organise and analyse your existing client data and develop a clear picture of your target audience. Our combination-dog-groomer-boarding-facility example might leverage its client database to create a profile of its ideal buyer—the buyer that brings in the most consistent stream of revenue and is easiest to convert. They might consider this ideal buyer’s:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Profession
  • Pets (number, type, and age)
  • Children (number, type, and age)
  • Hobbies
  • Purchase history
  • Need
  • Politics
  • Income
  • Education

From this, they could pinpoint the exact type of person they want to connect with and the best method and channels to reach them. For instance, if they find that their best prospective clients work in dentistry, they could use third-party data to generate a list of relevant contacts and send them a marketing email with a discount for dog boarding a few weeks before starting a big out-of-town dental conference. Besides, it is possible to schedule and expedite the process of sending info with the help of advanced email marketing software.

Ultimately, when you target your niche products and services to the most receptive audiences, you save valuable resources that might otherwise have been spent on wide-ranging, imprecise, and unprofitable campaigns. Lastly, encourage your product team to create a roadmap plan to align efforts and ensure everyone is working towards the same strategic goals.

5. Add Value (AKA Incentives!)

Customers don’t want to engage with marketing that doesn’t add value to their lives. We already mentioned one type of incentive earlier in this article: events. But events are only one of many types of incentives your niche business can offer. Additionally, consider incentivising purchases with:

  • Promotional discounts, such as seasonal sales, birthday deals, and free samples or branded merchandise giveaways.
  • A loyalty program that rewards your most frequent customers with in-store credit and discounts based on their number of purchases, helps your customer learn how to build credit and boost engagement with your loyalty program.

Overall, offering incentives shouldn’t be a burden on your business. Don’t spend all your income on branded t-shirts that you’ll give away! Rather, incentives should make customers feel welcomed and dedicated to your brand. For example, think out of the box and offer a cryptocurrency payment option for your services or products. This can bring you a lot of new customers.

You should also keep track of metrics tied to your incentives. Ask: How many customers take advantage of them? Who uses them, and who doesn’t? You can then adjust your strategy to align your incentives with your existing and potential customers.

Try outsourcing services if you don't have the time or aren't an expert in marketing. To learn more about outsourcing your marketing services, you can always check out this websites.

If you follow these recommendations, you’ll put yourself in the best position for engaging and retaining the customers who most need the products and services your niche business offers.

However, don’t stop there! Moving forward, continuously evaluate your data, talk to your customers, and look for new opportunities to engage them. The more you can make a customer’s decision to buy from your business easily, the happier your customers will be.

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