How to Host a Side Event in Paris for EthCC

by Tejaswini,  17 April 2023Updated 18 September 2024
by Tejaswini , 17 April 2023Updated 18 September 2024
How to Host a Side Event in Paris for EthCC

By the community, for the community. That’s the mission statement of EthCC Week 2023 (Ethereum Community Conference). It’s taking place in Paris - from July 17-20th - so mark it down in your diary.

The main event will be hosted at Maison de la Mutualité and should not be missed. The goal of the event is to counter Crypto Tribalism. EthCC aims to remind crypto communities that they're working towards common objectives such as decentralisation, privacy, and freedom.

And while the Ethereum community is in town, what’s to stop you from hosting a blockchain event in Paris - an EthCC side event, as it were - while there are plenty of prospective attendees around? The key numbers show more than 1,500 participants, 250 speakers, 70 events (a 133% increase in two years) and 40 nationalities, so don’t miss out!

This article will show you how to host an EthCC event in Paris. From utilising blockchain technology, where to host your events, how to get sponsorship and market it, what to do after the event, and more!

Why Host an EthCC Side Event?

So why organise a side event at EthCC? Well, for starters, the Ethereum community is booming.

If we look at last year, there were over 1,400 attendees from all over the world. It’s a lot of potential attendees, yes. But if we look at the numbers closer, we see rich business opportunities afoot.

It’s a highly educated group - with an average age of 31 - almost half of whom had postgraduate degrees, with 27% of attendees being developers. So attendees are young, educated, and motivated. They stateinnovation, meeting new people, andcommunity as their main reasons for going to EthCC Week.

But as lovely as these things are, what can an EthCC event in Paris provide for you? Well, it can lead to hiring new team members, meeting with blockchain partners, sourcing customers, pitching to investors, connecting with coin and protocol communities, brainstorming new services, discovering fruitful trends, and getting a deep dive into startup models.

To use a practical example, look at EthVC. This EthCC side event aims to bridge the gap between blockchain startups and venture capitalists. Last year's edition brought together 20 founders and 40 investors over three days.

Paris is also a dominant hub in the crypto and blockchain world. It hosts core events in the blockchain event calendar, including the massive Paris Blockchain Week Summit. So you’ve got the lure and credentials as a significant crypto city, with the bonus of the large Ethereum community to count on.

What Types of Events Can You Host in Paris During EthCC Week 2023

The core events the Ethereum community focuses on for EthCC Week 2023 are conferences, hackathons, and workshops related to public blockchains and the decentralised movement. These are supplemented by drinks events and ‘other’, which comprise everything from networking meetups, brunches, and team-building activities. We’ve provided highlights of each to show you what’s possible and what you can expect to look forward to.

  • Ethereum Conferences: An Ethereum conference is a formal meeting that takes place over several days and brings together people with a shared interest to discuss a particular topic. It’s the master event of the industry, which generally encompasses several other events under its umbrella. In the case of the Ethereum community, it could be anything from the philosophical principles of the network to its real-life applications, from currency to security. We expect NTFs to be a hot topic this year.
  • Drinks: An EthCC Party is simply a must.On the surface, after-work drinks are informal gatherings where people meet to let their hair down. But they’re so much more than that. Because as well as being fun, an Ethereum party is also good for business too.

They’re more than just chances to socialise. They’re sessions for developers to stay up to date with changes in the industry, for investors to scope out fresh opportunities, and for eager students to break into the scene.

  • Hackathons: In the context of a hackathon for the Ethereum community, a race to build a DApp would be incredibly intriguing, or, perhaps, a HECO gaming hackathon. There are concrete benefits to hosting a hackathon, such as generating ideas, meeting new talents, developing a product, growing your brand, and, particularly for Ethereum events, fostering community.
  • Workshops: A workshop is a gathering of people to discuss a specific subject or carry out activities focused on that subject. Previous EthCC events in Paris have focused on things like the philosophy of decentralisation and decidology to hands-on experiences with DAO Canvas and cadCAD.
  • Other (Events): EthCC has a 5th category simply named‘ Events’. So expect to see everything else where the emphasis is away from direct business and more for fun. This year you can join in a medley of fun events such as brunches, trips to the Eiffel Tower, a party with dancing robots, and rock climbing.

Where to Host Your EthCC Side Event in Paris

The central hub of EthCC takes place at la Maison de la Mutualité, in the famed and fabulous 5th arrondissement. It\'s listed as a historical monument, with a long tradition of hosting congresses, concerts, seminars and meetings.

So as much as your EthCC event in Paris will coexist with la Maison de la Mutualité… It’s also your direct competition. So you’ll need quite a special venue for your own blockchain event in Paris to shine.

Well, it just so happens that dazzling corporate event venues in Paris are our thing. So we’ve drawn some of our favourite examples for EthCC Paris. Namely, conferences, hackathons, workshops, after-work venues, and for good measure, a wildcard!

Conference:Contemporary Glass Conference Venue For EthCC Paris

Contemporary Glass Conference Venue For EthCC Week 2022 via Spachuntr.webp
Contemporary Glass Conference Venue For EthCC Week 2022 via Eventflare

This contemporary glass conference venue in Paris is a swanky example of the genre. The Ethereum community will be in awe, trust us. Treat yourself to a browse of the rest of ourconference rooms in Paris. We’ve got lots more.

Hackathon:Gorgeous Industrial Hackathon Venue in Paris With Spacious Mezzanine

Gorgeous Industrial Hackathon Venue in Paris With Spacious Mezzanine via Spacehuntr.webp
Gorgeous Industrial Hackathon Venue in Paris With Spacious Mezzanine via Eventflare

Our next event venue in Paris is this gorgeous industrial hackathon venue with a spacious mezzanine. It’s great because it’s edgy, stylish, and has a sociable layout. Plus, thanks to the mezzanine and open plan main floor, it’s naturally built for an audience to watch the main event unfold.

The great thing about hackathon venues, though, is they’re incredibly diverse. Check out our favourite ones in this guide to see what we mean. The perfect hackathon venue for your EthCC event in Paris is a click away:

11 hackathon venues in Paris

Workshop: Cosy and Trendy Workshop Space For Blockchain Event in Paris

Cosy and Trendy Workshop Space For Blockchain Event in Paris via Spacehunter.webp
Cosy and Trendy Workshop Space For Blockchain Event in Paris via Eventflare

Workshops can be intense. That’s why we love this cosy and trendy workshop space for a blockchain event in Paris. These events are hugely diverse in style and topic, and the selection of ourworkshop rooms in Paris reflects that.

Drinks:Magnificent Venue With Mediterranean Style for EthCC Party

Magnificent Venue With Mediterranean Style for EthCC Party via Spacehunter.webp
Magnificent Venue With Mediterranean Style for EthCC Party via Eventflare

The conferences and hackathons are only half of EthCC Week. Ethereum parties are a massive part of the attendee experience. It’s very convenient then, that Paris is a city that embodies the culture of fine dining and even finer drinks. It’s a city that takes after-work drinks as a human right.

And, of course, in a city as grand as Paris, there are some remarkable after-work venues. Like this magnificent place, for example. So go ahead and check out the rest of ourafter-work rooms in Paris and start fantasising about the party to come.

Wildcard:Futuristic Meeting Room For Blockchain Event in Paris

Futuristic Meeting Room For Blockchain Event in Paris via Spacehuntr.webp
Futuristic Meeting Room For Blockchain Event in Paris via Eventflare

Our next event venue in Paris is a wildcard pick and a homage to the spirit of the Ethereum community. As they build a system of economy, communication, and technology for the future, they deserve an event venue for the future.

So as we said, the flagship venue for EthCC Paris is Maison de la Mutualité. So you better make the location for your EthCC event in Paris count.

So go ahead and investigate our venues in Paris. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll see. If you need more inspiration, check out these expert advice articles on choosing a venue:

How To Attract Sponsorship to Your Blockchain Event in Paris

All event planners need to know how to get sponsors for their events. Fortunately, blockchain events are a happy hunting ground for sponsorship revenue.

Consider Blockchain Expo - the world’s leading blockchain conference; it had more than 56% of attendees at the director level or higher. That’s 56% of a sample of 26,000 attendees. This means you have a premium piece of billboard to advertise to potential sponsors.

You might also be able to have your EthCC event in Paris crowdfunded. EthCC is partnered with Gitcoin - a streamlined process that allows you to showcase your project to prospective funders.

For further information on how to raise money for your EthCC side event, make sure to read our 4 tips for growing your event sponsorship revenue. Alternatively, just ask one of our local experts; their local knowledge of the Parisian Business scene will come in handy!

How to Market Your Event During EthCC Week 2022

The beauty of marketing your blockchain event in Paris or anywhere is that attendees are actively looking for you! The first step? Get yourself on the EthCC Week Official Calendar.

It’s a straightforward process. All you have to do is submit an application form. It’s a series of short questions. Fill out the title, short and long description of your event, date, time, event URL (if you have one), location, category and Speaker (if you have one).

Of course, you’re going to want to reach out to more than just the Ethereum community. The world of blockchain and cryptocurrency spreads far and wide. They’ll be interested in your blockchain event in Paris, no doubt, so make sure to get your event on the major platforms' calendars too. For starters, check out these event calendars:

For marketing, we recommend BountyHive - an industry leader in blockchain marketing. It offers an in-house creative department specialising in custom-tailored articles, illustrations and whitepapers. Plus, they ensure your content gets published across the top-rated magazines in the blockchain sphere.

The service gives you access to a unique dashboard of your campaign’s real-time statistics without the hassle of creating an account. Your participants are constantly monitored to ensure your campaign performs at its best.

Another superb option is Kickback. It’s an Ethereum-based event management service that asks registrants to commit some ETH. The beauty of this platform is if they don't come, the ETH will be shared among attendees, preventing no-shows while rewarding attendees.

And, of course, it doesn’t hurt to follow traditional social media marketing. Twitter is an obvious one where EthCC hashtags - #EthCC, #EthCCWeek, #EthCC6, #Ethereum - won’t lead you wrong.

However, when we talk of marketing, we see why it’s called the Ethereum community. For blockchain marketing, messaging platforms are where the action happens.

We would advise using Telegram, which appeals to the blockchain spirit. There are many to choose from, simply by using the Telegram filter system for ‘Ethereum’ or ‘Blockchain’. To kick you off, consider joining Ethereum Classic to get a taste for it.

Telegram’s audience has grown to 400 million active monthly users. 1.5 million users download the app and sign up every day. It’s popular with users because of its privacy and safety, as it boasts end-to-end encryption, which Whatsapp can’t.

The Ethereum community also communicates on Slack. In these group chats, talk of events is prevalent. Here you can find a list of lots of blockchain and crypto groups on slack, so you never miss any news in the field.

Another considerable element of the blockchain community conversation is Medium. There are fabulous longer-form blogs that cover metrics, events, experiences, opinions, and more, such as this DaoFest side event recap.

To learn more about marketing events, check out these expert guides:

Selling Tickets For Your EthCC Side Event

The actual mechanism of selling tickets has two noteworthy points of consideration. Firstly, it’s finding an event partner to sell your tickets; and secondly, you need to figure out a price.

A popular option in the Ethereum community - and the event industry as a whole - is Eventbrite. It is an excellent choice for any type of event, large or small because it’s trusted, streamlined, and automated, and you can use it for free.

Then there’s coming up with a price. There is an emphasis on ticket prices being affordable at Ethereum community events. This is what separates Ethereum events from the likes of the Bitcoin industry, which is generally about harvesting money.

For those interested in hosting a blockchain event in Paris, look at this case study on balancing the budget of an Ethereum conference.

How to Use Blockchain Technology to Enhance Your Blockchain Event in Paris

First things first, you need to utilise and celebrate blockchain technology in your EthCC event. Otherwise, what separates it from any other ordinary corporate event?

An obvious example is you can also use it to sell tickets. Blockchain technology has revolutionised the ticket sales industry. Most importantly, it will stop bots from block-buying tickets. This will halt unfair price gouging in the secondary marketplace. It will also defend against fraud through guaranteed ticket verification, meaning we don’t need to worry about issues with fake tickets anymore.

Your next Ethereum conference should also include the hottest trend everyone is talking about: NFTs. As well as staying on-trend, you’ll be able to attract and engage attendees with valuable -and unique -content. A fun example was late last year when DC did a superhero NFT giveaway for those that registered for their Fan Dome Event.

And for more prescient challenges at modern corporate events - such as attendee engagement, data analyses, live feedback to improve the event as it happens, and logistics simplification - we recommend you check out these expert guides we’ve prepared:

Suppliers For Your EthCC Side Event

Catering is a necessity at any corporate event. But for your blockchain event in Paris, we’re asking you to strive for something better. You’re in Paris, after all, the food capital of the world.

If you can’t already tell, we’re passionate about catering. In fact, we’ve already taken the liberty of doing a detailed report on the best catering companies in Paris for your private event. You might find it quite helpful!

The world of catering is constantly changing. For this year, buffet food is no longer the done thing at conferences due to COVID-19; in lieu, bespoke boxed meals are proving successful. For your workshops, sit-down lunches are in; they promote creative discussions and let participants get to know each other. Food trucks and street food are really hot for drinks events right now.

And if you’re as passionate about catering as we are, perhaps you’d like to make the food into its own event. A splendid idea, in which case you’ll be interested in seeing these 5 gorgeous corporate dinner venues.

As for the rest of your essential supplies, your event venue will usually supply everything you should need. Things like WiFi, projectors, TV screens, versatile furniture arrangements, whiteboards, hot drinks, water, microphones and so on come as standard. This is something you need to verify with the venue first, though.

If you are interested in externally hiring LEDs, video walls, and AV technology, then we can recommend C&C Displays, who provide delivery, setup, operation and break-down for events.

Or perhaps you want to implement a VR experience and spaces for your EthCC side event? Diversion Cinema offers services from conceptualisation to installation for immersive and unique experiences.

For anything else you might need or want, then our Local Expert will happily help you source it.

After the EthCC Week 2023

Even when the last attendee has left, the life cycle of the event is still not over. There are some crucial chores to tend to.

Of course, there’s reviewing your goals and objectives. How successful were you? You also need to consult the finances. Did you break even? Did you turn a profit? Then you want to analyse how good it was with surveys and attendees’ feedback. What did they like, and what can you improve? Then you need to speak to your sponsors - are they happy?

It’s a lot. However, most event planners will use a software provider to carry out these tasks for them. For event analyses, we would recommend software such as MeetingPlay, where not only do they automate these tasks for you, their innovative algorithms generate insights for you moving forward.

To learn more about post-event analyses and optimisation, check out this handy piece of expert advice:

Takeaways From Previous EthCC Side Events

Our final piece of expert advice is to learn from those who’ve done it before. Here we highlight some of our favourite EthCC side events and the takeaway from their experience that could help you plan your event at EthCC Paris.

  • At DaoFest, they discovered that fishbowls were far more popular than workshops. (Fishbowls are open panels where anyone in the audience can jump on the stage to participate in the debate.)
  • Fête DAO: Throwing a party isn’t a trivial matter. An after-work event is firstly good for branding, but it’s also a low-key arena to disseminate your core messages and to meet clients and talent.
  • EthCC 1: Transparency on your budget is vital to the ethos of the Ethereum community.
  • EthVC: We mentioned EthVC and their genius idea of matching investors with start-ups. An idea of theirs we also loved was their 1:1 mentor sessions with community experts which proved to be real golden tickets. This is a unique learning experience for startups that you will struggle to get anywhere else.
  • Cointribune: As ever, free branded merch is one of the cheeriest and most effective forms of advertising!

Wrapping up

So there you have it. You’re all set for EthCC Week 2022. There’s hard work ahead, but if you follow our expert advice, you’ll have a special event on your hands. We guess all that’s left to say is, see you in Paris. We can’t wait!

Make sure to check out the rest of our top-class event venues in Paris, and before long, we’ll see you there, on the ground, driving the Ethereum community forward!

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